Julian N. Kenyon
The Dove Clinic, Twyford, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1NT, England
Published on: March 30, 2021 – Journal of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis
Sono and Photodynamic Therapy (SPDT) is a novel therapeutic modality that utilises a non-toxic photosensitive agent with reported ultrasound activated properties. SPDT has previously demonstrated significant tumour cell inhibition in animal studies. There has been much research into the efficacy of photodynamic therapy and development in understanding of the underlying mechanism of tumour cytotoxicity. Synergistic ultrasound activation represents
a promising development to Photodynamic Therapy, as photo-activation is limited by access and penetrance issues. Ultrasound has been demonstrated to activate a number of sono-sensitive agents allowing the possibility of non-invasive targeted treatment of deeper tumour sites than is currently achievable with photodynamic therapy. This case series of 17 consecutive patients with a variety of cancer diagnoses outlines clinical outcomes over a four-year period
of SPDT. The results have been encouraging in that all cases who carried our Circulating Tumour Cell Tests before and after SPDT showed a significant drop in tumour cells post-SPDT. SPDT is worthy of further investigation as an effective and well tolerated treatment for a wide variety of primary and metastatic tumours, including those refractory to Chemotherapy.